Recovered house plus two single storey houses to recover located in a rural environment twenty minutes from Leiria and 15 minutes from Ourém and Fátima and ten minutes from Caranguejeira. The recovered house consists of ground floor and ground floor is located on a plot of 545sqm. On the ground floor a T2 and garage were made. On the 1st floor, the following were recovered: Kitchen, Living Room, 3 Bedrooms and WC Together with this house, two single-storey houses are sold to recover. Safti is a French network in strong expansion in Portugal with more than 6,500 consultants throughout Europe. Safti's values, honesty, ethics and our policy of monitoring and advice, guarantee us a high degree of satisfaction from our customers. If you are looking for a property to buy or sell, count on the satisfaction...
Matas, União das Freguesias de Matas e Cercal, Ourém, Santarém